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Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself( Ⅲ)
      作者:jobsdb.com     來源: jobsdb.com     發佈時間:9/11/2008 9:23:38 AM     流覽次數:8691
Balancing work & life - Understanding yourself( Ⅲ)

Chapter 3 - Understanding emotional issues (I)

By improving your emotional intelligence, you can enjoy greater happiness and success in your relationships, your life and your work. Recognize and learn from your emotions, be empathetic to others, and be ready to ask for assistance if necessary.

Understanding emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is your ability to manage your feelings and thoughts. Developing your emotional intelligence can enhance your decision-making and help you communicate more honestly, think more clearly, and act more authentically. Be aware that your feelings are a gateway to creativity, intuition and inspiration. If you can manage your feelings, you will manage yourself and others better. Realize that emotional intelligence helps you to tap into your own wisdom and develop understanding and trust in your relationships.


Questions to ask yourself

  • Do I listen to my feelings before I make a decision?
  • Am I able to manage my feelings?
  • Do I take into account the feelings of others?
  • Are my actions always in tune with my values?
  • Am I prepared to ask for the necessary assistance if I need guidance?

Recognizing emotions

Take the time to record your thoughts and feelings every day - they can give you important insights. For example: -

  • Monitoring your thoughts and feelings can help you see how well you are balancing your work and life.
  • Notice when you feel confident and optimistic - this is a good sign that you are doing well.
  • Feelings of uncertainty and irritability may show that you are having difficulties.

Realize that suppressing an emotion only blocks your learning and inhibits your self-awareness. Try to see something positive in all your emotions.

Learning from emotions

Emotions are pieces of information. They are messages that you can read and learn from to help you achieve greater success and happiness. For example: -

  • Stress might be an invitation to change something;
  • Pain might be a signal to let go of something;
  • Fear might be a sign that you need extra help;
  • Doubt might be encouraging you to make a better choice;
  • Guilt might be telling you that you are not living according to your true values.

Never block your feelings - learn to read and follow them.


  1. Recognize and understand your feelings so that you can act on them.
  2. Take the time to listen to your feelings.
  3. Be constructive and learn from your feelings, rather that ignoring them or indulging in them.

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