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Dilemma of Working Women
      作者:jobsdb.com     來源: jobsdb.com     發佈時間:9/1/2008 5:56:02 PM     流覽次數:8890


Dilemma of Working Women

People have been talking about family-friendly policies these days. These are practices to help employees fulfil work and family responsibilities at the same time. As more and more employees are leading a stressful career life, the Hong Kong government urges employers to take care of employees’ well-being before they lose their morale.

Such policies are especially applicable to working women. It has always been difficult for females to keep a balance between family and career, especially those who have kids. They are torn between the need from their families and their desire to excel in their career. This explains why only 52% of all women in Hong Kong are employed, compared with 71% of men.

Whether you should quit your job and be a full-time housewife is a decision you have to make on your own. It depends on a number of factors such as financial situation of your family, support from family members, and your preference / interests. But there are other choices indeed. The government’s proposed family-friendly policies suggest part-time work, working from home, flexible working hours, etc. You may have to discuss with your boss on these options.

If you are switching to part-time or even freelance, you have to be prepared for a pay cut and loss of benefits. Yet, in return, you can have more time for your family. Plan in advance how you will spend your time at home. Otherwise, taking up “two” part-time jobs will make you more exhausted than working for one full-time job!

Think carefully before you make up your mind what to do. Assess your and your family’s needs rather than just follow what your friends do. Discuss with your family members and get their support in whatever you are going to commit. After all, your decision affects the whole family.
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