English 香港站

歡迎來到 Hill International

職位名稱: Technology Department Head    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 11-15年
更新日期: 2017年07月10日 職位類型:

Department: Technology Support
Reports to: Director - Project Development

Primary Responsibilities:

- To weave "smart" technology into the design & planning phase to ensure our future products meet the expectations of our next generation of customers and presents them with a "cool" or "wow" factor that supports our mission of building and world's best integrated resort experience.
- Lead the convergence of technologies to enhance the facility design and consequently the guest experience within developments (future, as well as current)
- Partner with and facilitate the internal convergence between Operations (BU's), IS&T, and Project Development.
- Understand the implications of emerging technologies such as LoT, 5G, Cloud solutions, Mobility, Wearable and other technologies - their implications on our various business units, as well as associated considerations such as security, energy conservation/effectiveness, and usability to ensure future-proofing of our technology backbone
- For our next generation integrated resort the requirement to facilitate and introduce Robertics/VR/AR/5D etc, in our entertainment attractions. 
- Explore strategic relationships with companies devoted in emerging technology development relevant and leverage to upcoming projects. 
- Harnessing the latest technologies in robotics, animatronics, 4D/5D, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality, this role will be responsible to develop new rides and/or attractions that will provide an impetus for increased visitation to our client and enhance the diverse nature of our client's non-gaming attractions
- The individual should have the mindset of a futurist in terms of pushing the envelope of attraction design, yet should be mind of commercial considerations in order to develop rides/.attractions that are economically viable yet offer substantial differential in the market oi order to be a selling point to drive visitation to the resort.
- The individual will need to partner within client's PD team, IS&T and with the business unites in order to develop and present a cohesive proposal for rides/attractions in these new developments.

- min. 10 years experience in involved with technology in project design & delivery with a focus on entertainment & attractions
- prior experience in developing technology based attractions either for a vendor of such attractions as part of a rides/attraction development teem with experience of building a new theme parks.
- experience in large scale projects mainly integrated Resorts
- fluency in English, Cantonese and Mandarin would be desirable
- good communication and leadership skills
- ability to work successfully in a matrix organization is highly desirable


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