中文 HongKong
Industry: Advanced Search


      Author:job853     Source: job853     Release Time:1/4/2008 12:07:43 PM     View Times:9457


 B: Reception. May I help you?
 A: I have a severe pain in my stomach. Please call me a doctor.
 B: Yes. Your name and your room number, please.
 B: What's the matter? Are you sick?
 A: I'm injured. I broke my leg.
 B: That's too bad!
 A: Take me to the nearest hospital, please.
B: 服務臺。有什麼需要效勞的嗎?
A: 我的胃好痛。請幫我叫位醫生。
B: 好的。請問您的姓名及房間號碼。
B: 怎麼了?你生病了嗎?
A: 我受傷了。我的腿斷了。
B: 真糟糕!
A: 請送我到最近的醫院去。
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