English 香港站

 密    碼:
招聘註冊      培訓註冊 
 培訓課程總數: 1219
 招聘職位總數: 134
 學員報名總數: 5620
 學員註冊總數: 169687
    關  鍵  字:
課程名稱: 會計高級 324L
機構名稱: 靈均會計專科
開課日期: 2016-12-29
授課方式: 面授
課程類型: 外語
上課地點: 澳門南灣大馬路730號中華廣場14M (身份證明局樓上) (報名查詢處)
培訓對象: 感興趣人士
培訓時間: 星期二 19:00-20:30 星期四 19:00-20:30
收費標準: 1500
培訓內容: H3---現金流量表等
The syllabus is based on the information provided by the LCCI International Qualifications.
Note: Entrants must have learnt the following syllabi at Levels 1 and 2
Full sets of books
Accounting for depreciation and bad and doubtful debts
Bank Reconciliation
Stock Valuation
Sales and Purchase Ledger Control Accounts and reconciliation with the total of the list of balances in the subsidiary sales and purchase ledgers
Correction of errors and use of suspense account
Preparation of Manufacturing Accounts
Preparation of final accounts for a sole trader
Preparation of final accounts from incomplete records
Preparation of final accounts for a partnership
Preparation of final accounts for a limited company
Preparation of final accounts for a non-trading organization
1 Advanced aspects of the syllabi for level 1 and level 2
2 Statements of Cash Flow
3 Investment ratios

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