2025-02 |
New jobs (this month) |
208 |
New jobs (last month) |
516 |
Total of candidates |
309990 |
Job applications |
1113 |
Job invitations |
1375 |
The most frequently visited recruitment website in Macau |
120,000 job seekers' CV |
One stop on-line search |
Unlimited release of jobs |
Followed by CS staff |
Charge(HKD) |
6,000 |
10,800 |
18,000 |
Job Postings |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Access to online applicant information with contact method |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Send job invitation to potential candidates |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Unlimited |
Database access to candidate contact information |
10 / Month |
20 / Month |
30 / Month |
Duration of 100 * 40 logo AD |
1 month |
2 months |
3 months |
Free Recruitment Newspaper 1/8 Version |
N/A |
Once |
Twice |
Customized recruitment page on Job853 |
N/A |
N/A |
One |
* This quotation is not applicable to HR company and insurance agent. |