English 香港站

歡迎來到 Grand Coloane Resort Macau

職位名稱: Credit Manager    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 5年
更新日期: 2020年03月16日 職位類型:


Job Description:

- Ensure that all hotel credit policy is followed and enforced by all departments.

- Process applications for credit facilities for companies, groups, functions and etc.

- Monitor all billings arrangement for groups and conventions as required to ensure that postings are in line with customers’ requirements. Liaise with convention/groups/sales departments. Reconcile Master accounts for in-house conferences daily where appropriate.

- Review “Credit Check and High Balance” report for in-house control daily for credit limit and follow up of charge back arrangements. Documents the steps taken to verify the ability of the guests on “high balance” report to pay their balance or top up their credit. The Asst Financial Controller is to sign off on these.

- Review city ledger daily to ensure correct posting of charges and take corrective action where necessary.

- Reconcile cheque list daily to cheques received by General Cashier.

- Conduct monthly Credit Meeting and highlight monthly performance, bad debts, associate outstanding accounts and discuss any accounts causing concern for follow up.

- Good communication skills in oral and written Chinese and English.

- Accounting or accounts receivable experience is desired.



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