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Welcome UNU-IIST

     Company Profile

UNU-IIST, located in Macao, is one of the Research and Training Centres of the United Nations University, part of the United Nations.

UNU-IIST's mission is to help developing countries strengthen their education and research in computer science and their ability to produce computer software.

We work with universities, helping them to improve and develop their curricula in computer science and software engineering, training their staff to teach advanced software development techniques, and working with their staff and postgraduate students on research projects and actual software development projects, including the development of a set of tools for the RAISE Specification Language. We collaborate with research institutes on research projects, and help them to develop contacts within the wider international research community. And we help companies and other public and private institutions design and develop high quality software using advanced software development techniques. Currently we are working on major initiatives to support electronic governance and open-source software.

In addition. we offer a range of courses, and organise or co-organise other events, including internal seminars, training schools, workshops and conferences.

A summary of our work is available in our series of annual report, and more detailed, technical information about our past and current projects is available through our series of technical reports.

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