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Welcome 赛得利国际集团

     Company Profile

Sateri International Group is a leading integrated manufacturer of dissolving pulp and viscose fibers, with production facilities in strategic locations around the world and a global customer base.

By capitalizing on the unique integration of strategically located operations in Brazil, Finland and China, we are a fast developing dissolving pulp and viscose fiber producer with sustainable plantation wood resources in Brazil and 60 years of product expertise and manufacturing excellence from our Finnish operations. With the first wholly foreign owned mill in China and our product innovation and technological expertise, Sateri is well positioned to serve the world’s fastest growing market.

In 2004, Sateri Management Limited became the globally management centre located in Pudong, Shanghai. By focusing on the needs of our customers, the community and other stakeholders, we have built an established industry reputation and strong customer relationships.

If you want to learn more information about our company, please surf our website by www.sateri.com and www.rgmi.com

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