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Welcome Pearon Education Asia

     Company Profile

With its headquarters in Hong Kong, Pearson Education Asia plays our role
in meeting the growing needs in Asia for quality books and other education materials.

Our goal is to make teaching easier and student learning more rewarding
and enjoyable. To this end we strive to provide quality books together
with adequate and relevant teaching support materials.

Our strength in Asia is broad and deep. We consist of Longman Hong Kong
Education Division, Asia ELT Division and China ELT Division in Hong Kong, with offices in China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia,
Thailand and the Philippines.

Pearson Education Asia has set up a wide range of product-group divisions
cater towards all levels of educations. Each of these divisions brings
world-renowned imprints and international learning tools into classrooms
all over Asia. In addition, we also create indigenous publishing programs
to meet local market needs.

The following are our product-group divisions:

Asia Higher Education Publishing
Higher Education
Trade & Professional
Longman Local School Education
Bilingual Dictionary & Home Education
Longman English Language Teaching
International School

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