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How is my performance in this role measured?
      Author:network     Source: network     Release Time:11/3/2009 6:30:07 PM     View Times:8986
   Depending on the job specifications, there are several answers that can be given.

Most likely key performance indicators (KPIs) will play a significant role in measurement, especially in sales-focused roles.

However, some companies or individual departments are also starting to implement broader criteria of measuring performance, such as your ability to retain staff, 360-degree performance appraisals or exposure in new markets.

If you are not the punctual type or a morning person, beware of the answer: "First in the office every morning and the person who contributes most at our 7am meetings is our yardstick".

Alternatively, if you like to network and would go to the opening of an envelope, but are not recognised for the contacts you make, this may be a major hurdle for you.

In other words, you want to make sure that the position fits in with the job description and your ability to meet the targets.

The answer will also measure how fair and flexible your future boss is, and whether the expectations of the position are realistic.

What you want to hear are reasonable measurements, and reasons as to why they are set.

If you are replacing someone, the answer might offer an insight as to why they left, for example: "The previous person just wasn't able to meet our budget targets".

You can then establish what those targets were and whether you will be able to meet the standards set by the company.

Contributed by Manpower, the global leader in the world of work
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