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Play Well in a Team
      Author:Robert Half Hong Kong Ltd     Source: Robert Half Hong Kong Ltd     Release Time:9/20/2008 11:32:28 AM     View Times:8398
Play Well in a Team
According to a survey conducted by recruitment consultant Robert Half International on 150 senior executives about the important characteristics of a team player, “meeting deadlines” (40%) is on top of the list, followed by “avoiding politics” (25%) and “being pleasant to work with” (20%).

Teamwork is indispensable nowadays, but how can corporations maintain good teamwork among staff?

What are the characteristics of a successful team?
• An understanding of the mission
Participants need to be driven by a goal. The group leader should clearly define the strategic implications of the project. Team members should not spend time debating other aspects, such as how the program should be communicated. These details can be worked out later.

• A strong team ethic
Members of high-performance groups are willing to put aside their own ambitions to support the collective interests of the team. Managers can encourage this behavior by making sure everyone stays actively involved in the project.

• Discipline
Developing protocols -- a standard way of doing things -- at the beginning of a project can help people with different backgrounds, skills and temperaments work more effectively toward a common goal. Collaborate with participants to create a written agreement that outlines the group’s mission and provides ground rules about how everyone will work together.

What can individual team members do to improve rapport within their group?
• Demonstrate adaptability
When working on a project team, recognize that roles frequently change midstream. Be flexible when faced with new responsibilities and goals. You’ll not only help the initiative remain on track, but also set a good example for other team members.
• Allow team chemistry to build
No group of individuals can hope to achieve unity overnight. Team spirit evolves naturally as you work together to overcome obstacles and achieve success. Don’t try to rush the process.

• Agree to disagree
Despite your best efforts, you won’t always get along with everyone on your team. But don’t burn bridges. You’ll likely work with members of the group again, so keep relationships friendly.

• Be upbeat
Positive attitudes are contagious, and perhaps more importantly, so are negative ones. When faced with setbacks, try to keep the group focused on solutions. And recognize the value of humor — laughter can ease tension and build camaraderie.

• Share the credit
Allow group successes to take precedence over individual achievements. Even if you feel you’re contributing more than others, remember that without the team’s support you probably couldn’t accomplish the job.

• Make time to celebrate
Acknowledging special occasions, such as someone’s birthday or a career milestone, can provide a welcome break and an opportunity to build team spirit. Simple actions such as bringing in cookies or going out to lunch can help the group bond.

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