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如何善用面試機會? (2)
      作者:job853     來源: job853     發佈時間:12/11/2007 5:40:29 PM     流覽次數:6698
如何善用面試機會? (2)

Be friendly, poised, and sincere. Look alive, alert and confident and ensure you make frequent eye contact with the interviewer.

Let the interviewer take the initiative but be prepared to talk when it seems expected of you. Show an interest in the position under consideration, asking relevant questions when appropriate and be certain that you have asked enough pertinent questions about the position and the company before the interview ends.

Answer all questions with directness and don't evade a question. Don't be too opinionated in your answers as some questions may be asked to obtain your basic beliefs and feelings.

If possible, do not ask about salary at the first interview unless the interviewer raises the subject. The employer may give some indication of the salary he is prepared to pay, or might ask what you expect. Don't give the impression that salary is your major concern.

Avoid all temptations to oversell yourself but be equally careful not to undersell yourself either. It is difficult to know just where this happy medium is but more interview experience will help.

After a personal interview, you should write a brief letter of appreciation to the interviewer. It displays not only good manners but also brings your name to the attention of the prospective employer once again.

Word definitions 認識新詞
poised: in full control of your senses and emotions
pertinent: relevant or appropriate
happy medium: a satisfying compromise

From ﹕Wall Street Institute
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