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如何善用面試機會? (1)
      作者:job853     來源: job853     發佈時間:12/11/2007 5:39:05 PM     流覽次數:5402
如何善用面試機會? (1)
It's difficult enough to find your perfect job when the economy is booming, but in times of economic downturn, it gets more and more difficult even to get to the interview stage. So when you've invested a lot of time and effort writing letters, making phone calls, completing applications, obtaining references and preparing your resume, you should make the most the opportunity to impress potential employers at your first interview.

You can best help your cause by preparing well and planning your interview strategy and technique. Here are some points to keep in mind before and during your interview:
* 就你要應徵的職位先作事前調查,留意職責及要負責的工作範圍。
* Research the position for which you are being interviewed and be aware of the duties and responsibilities expected of you.
* 調查僱主公司的工作網絡、背景等,並嘗試找出面試主考官的姓名及職位。
* Find out as much as you can about the company and its network, history, etc. and know the name and position of the person conducting the interview.
* 弄清楚面試時間及地點,還有當然要準時。
* Double check the time and location of the interview. Be on time.
* 外觀亦非常重要,要穿行政套裝、穿戴整齊,女士應作適度的化妝,整潔的外表及姿態都有助提升自信。
* Appearance is very important. Be well-groomed and wear a business suit. Ladies should only use a moderate amount of make-up. Good grooming and posture inspire confidence.
* 見到面試官時,要自信而友善地與對方握手,並作自我介紹。
* Greet the interviewer with a firm yet friendly handshake and introduce yourself properly.

Word definitions 認識新詞
Booming: suddenly improving and generating big profits 突然改善、造成巨額盈利
Strategy: a systematic plan of action 策略
Technique: a practical method or art applied to a task 技巧

From: Wall Street Institute
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