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歡迎來到 Topwines Ltd.


Portuguese Topwine 是一间葡国公司,公司宗旨是要把小规模生产商所酿製的中级以及高级的葡萄酒推广至具潜力的亚洲市场。 公司在葡萄牙和澳门可分有不同的业务,在葡萄牙业务方面,主要与生产商有关,我们细心挑选当中具极佳品质的葡萄酒,以保證每一被选品皆为上乘之选且以将以合理的市场价格出售。 在亚洲业务方面,公司主要是勘察和寻求在市场上具一定规模及促销力的发行商,透过推销葡萄酒至餐饮业界此途径拓展这个非常具资格效率的葡萄酒销售代理网络。 我们一直在亚洲支持葡萄酒的分销活动,包括市场研究、物流及促销推广。 Portuguese Topwine 可实现以下几点: 在顾客服务方面, 致力使葡萄酒质量最佳化,价格合理化以及品种多元化在生产服务方面, 极力减低推广成本在分销服务方面, 极力降低勘察成本 从事商业活动,沟通是最为基本的一个环节,Portuguese Topwine在长期跟葡萄酒生产商、分销商和顾客接触下,已建立互信基础,保持著良好的生意往来关係。另外,我们不单在葡萄牙的埃武拉设有办公室与生产商紧密联繫,更在澳门加设一办公室以便和顾客接触,促使葡萄牙生产商与亚洲的客户之间的沟通更无碍。 我们既打破所有沟通障碍,故亦能保證葡萄酒的优秀品质,以满足各位顾客的需求
Portuguese Topwine is a company dedicated to the export and promotion of Portuguese wines, especially medium and high ranges, from small dimension producers (Boutique type wine) to the Asian market, in a regimen of exclusiveness.

In Portugal, Portuguese Topwine puts all efforts in reuniting the best there is between the Portuguese wines, guaranteeing to each of our producers that their wines are included in the best selection, updated in the best quality price relations.
In Asia, Portuguese Topwine's mission is the prospection and selection of emerging distribution companies, with the dimension and promotional capacity adequate to the Horeca channel creating this way a highly qualified and efficient Asian agents web.

Portuguese Topwine is present in Asia, in permanent support of the distribution, in terms of market studies, logistics and marketing, but also in the production of promotional events.

Being so, we can guarantee to the final client the absolute quality, in an anti-speculation logic, in the way to overcome the communication obstacles between the portuguese producers and the most demanding Asian consumer, encouraging the consumption and everybody's satisfaction.



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