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澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司 SJM Resorts, S.A.


澳娛綜合度假股份有限公司(SJM RESORTS, S.A.)(簡稱澳娛綜合)擁有多間豪華及各具特色的娛樂場,全部二十四小時運作。由於業務發展的需求,澳娛綜合經常需要增聘職員,以應付業務不斷擴展的需要。在此,我們誠繳您的加入。

SJM RESORTS, S.A.(SJM) has a vast number of luxurious and unique entertainment casinos, all running round the clock. Due to the needs of company development, SJM often recruit new members to cope with the ever expanding business. We earnestly invite you to join our team.

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