English 香港站

歡迎來到 熱門招聘

職位名稱: 高級經理 - 盈利效益優化    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 5年
更新日期: 2021年02月19日 職位類型:

Job Description:
Develop and implement revenue optimization strategies for both gaming and non-gaming utilizing hotel assets
Assist with budget, forecast and strategic plan process for hotel and other applicable revenue streams
Optimize profitability per room by managing hotel ADR, occupancy and casino room criteria daily, short term and long term; Identify distressed periods and initiate recovery and contingency plans
Understand the needs of different market segments and work effectively with hotel operation, resort marketing, Sales & Marketing and other operation divisions to develop strategic programs to maximize hotel's profitability
Work closely with hotel operation, resort marketing, Sales & Marketing and channel distribution team on managing hotel daily inventory, operation procedures, and implementing sale strategies
Train and develop the next generation of analytical talents
Conduct Business Revenue meetings to resolve operational issues and ensure strategies implement appropriately

Job Requirement:
Minimum 5 years solid experience in casino / hotel / resort revenue management / analysis
Good Knowledge of Data Management and Customer Segmentation
Proficiency in Microsoft office applications including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook
Proficiency in analytical and data visualization tools (SAS, SQL, business intelligence tools are preferable)
Possess a high degree of judgment and initiative
Possess excellent internal customer service, organization, interpersonal, oral and written communications, team building, problem-solving skills
Detail oriented, self-motivated and prioritize multiple tasks
Have proven accountability when working with confidential information
Good command of both spoken and written in English and Chinese
Willing and able to work extended shifts, weekends, holidays
Adhere to departmental and company policies


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