English 香港站

歡迎來到 熱門招聘

職位名稱: 高级室内设计师    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 11-15年
更新日期: 2020年07月17日 職位類型:

Senior Interior Designer & Interior Design Manager (Urgent)

We are a listed Company in Hong Kong, our core business is interior fitout works specialize in prestige Casino & Hotel projects, our Macau office is looking for qualified interior professionals to fill in the following vacancy :


Interior Design Manager with minimum 10-15 years working experience, less experience will consider as Senior Interior Designer 

Holder of professional qualification in Architecture or Interior Design with relative working experience in a similar position.

Aggressive, hardworking and able to work under pressure.

Strong in design working details, in particular to Joinery / Millworks, prefer hand sketching skill & able to prepare full sets of shop drawings for submission.

Able to attend meeting with owner and consultants with full documentation skill

Leadership, able to manage a small design team of staff (around 6-8 persons)

Must fluency in listen, spoken & written English and Cantonese.

Prefer in Macau ID Holder, but qualified foreigner / expatriate are also welcome to apply.

Immediately available is a MUST.

Good benefit will provide to the right applicant.


Interested parties please apply with full resume with recent photo, state current and expected salaries via email at admin@whh.com.hk. Also provide us the details as follow:

Design Work Documents (Sketch details / working drawings) 

Reference Letter and Contact Person

Reason for Leaving of Last Company

Date available

Are you Macau Resident? If not, what is your nationality?

Has a work visa (Blue Card) in Macau before? If yes, what is the recent job position and when did it expire? 



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