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職位名稱: Internal Audit Manager (Macau Based)    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 本科 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 4年
更新日期: 2019年03月19日 職位類型:



  • Provide strategic direction and leadership for the internal audit function to support the Group and divisional strategies and goals;
  • Ensure systems are in place to highlight the risks and ensure that they are identified, analyzed and controls are implemented to mitigate those risks;
  • Collaborate with senior managements to identify opportunities for continued improvement of the Group’s corporate governance, risk management strategy and framework, control environment processes and practices;
  • Conduct annual risk assessment and develop risk-based annual audit plan to cover major aspects of the Group’s business, operational, financial and compliance processes and systems for Chief Executive Officer’s approval, and ensure the plan is executed effectively and efficiently;
  • Provide reports summarizing audit findings and discuss results with business unit managements and other stakeholders. Negotiate and develop appropriate corrective action plans in collaboration with business units and senior managements and assist in the implementation of action plans;
  • Build and enhance productive client relationships, influences and assist managements to develop resolutions to manage risks and control issues, and to achieve operational efficiency and effectiveness; and
  • Develop an effective internal audit function and ensure compliance with international standards for the best practice of internal auditing.


  • Professional qualification such as ACA, ACCA with Strong track record and experience in Internal Audit at a senior level
  • Thorough understanding of tax and financial regulations and requirements.
  • Able to investigate complex issues and reach well supported and balanced judgments
  • High level of capability in stakeholder management, negotiation and understanding the varied departments within the Group
  • Excellent influencing, communication and presentation skills, with the ability to tailor strategies and messages to fit the needs and expectations and support the delivery of the business objectives
  • Use of initiative and confident decision making, strong time management and priority setting, and ability to deliver multiple assignments against tight deadlines
  • Experience in implementing, delivering and embedding risk management at both strategic and operational levels
  • Proven experience of working in a large and complex organization and of undertaking audits across a wide and diverse areas of the organization
Interested parties, please apply the job via Job853.com!


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