English 香港站

歡迎來到 熱門招聘

職位名稱: 市務主任 Marketing Officer    
提供月薪: 面議 工作類型: 全職
學歷要求: 大專 工作地點: 中國澳門
招聘人數: 1 工作經驗: 3年
更新日期: 2019年02月28日 職位類型:


Job Descriptions:

  • Assist in planning marketing strategies, and implement promotion activities for patronage promotion and marketing communication (both traditional and digital platforms).
  • Develop and implement segmentation programs to induce desirable patronage from specific target group.
  • Explore strategic opportunities with external partners, which includes joint promotion and new bundling products to improve penetration in key market segments.
  • Plan and implement marketing programs to improve customer experience through multi-channels including traditional and digital platforms.
  • Develop and implement marketing campaigns to support the launch and promote on-going usage of special lines and new extensions of existing integrated network.
  • Assist to manage the publicity programmes in support of Operating Department to deliver passenger behavior and safety messages to passengers, and launch campaigns such as escalator safety, anti-crime, courtesy and other safety awareness programmes.
  • Provide input for publicity materials to ensure alignment with corporate image, branding guidelines and quality standard.
  • Conduct regular market and customer researches to keep track of the changes in business environment, public perception and customer requirements/feedbacks, with an overall objective of improving business performance, corporate image and customer satisfaction.
  • Coordinate across departments and provide content update in various digital channels (website and mobile apps) for communication of key corporate messages/initiatives and train service status and information.


  • Degree in Marketing, Social Media, Business Administration, PR/Marketing Communications or a related discipline.
  • A minimum of 3 years proven working experience in digital marketing and social analytics tools knowledge.
  • Excellent writing, editing (photo/video/text), and communication skills. Fluency of both written and spoken Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese) and/or English.
  • Knowledge on research, design / development regarding website, mobile app, collaterals, gifts, online and offline marketing promotions & etc.
Interested parties, please apply the job via Job853.com!


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