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Welcome Tom N Toms Coffee

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TOM N TOMS COFFEE is a professional coffee franchise brand and an international coffee shop leader which strives to satisfy customers with the rich taste and aroma of high quality coffee extracted through its own roasting technology, offering pretzels baked right in the shop, good people and a comfortable atmosphere.

Tom N Toms Coffee established roasting factory for the first time for Korean coffee brand, providing fresh beans to each store and established coffee academy program carrying out continuing research and development for Korean-tasty coffee.

Tom N Toms Coffee makes its way to Macau in 2014. We are looking for new members. We cherish the value that our employees contribute. If you are interested in working in a friendly environment with efficient team, please send email to jobs@tomntomsmacao.com and attach your CV.

Tom N Toms Coffee在韓國成立咖啡專營店後,成立了韓國第一家烘培工廠,將最新鮮的咖啡迅速提供給各個門店。另成立了咖啡學院,持續性的研究開發符合當地人口味的功能表,並在此進行教育培訓。

Tom N Toms Coffee於2014進駐澳門,現誠聘多個職位。我們重視員工的價值,如果想在一個舒適的環境與高效率的團隊工作,歡迎你加入韓國咖啡連鎖店Tom N Toms Macau!

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