English 香港站

歡迎來到 Magic Search Ltd


A simple, precise and true recruitment service is all we care about.

We aims at providing simple and clean recruitment service in Hong Kong. Our experience and network would enable us to deliver end-to-end services. We are specialized in the Sales and Marketing sector: particularly in Retail and Brands, as well as Media, Digital and Advertising.

Offering clients the best candidate possible is our only mission and we are here to redefine the role of a recruitment agency. We not only grasp but also create every possible opportunity to maximize your recruitment chances and offer you down-to-earth and hassle-free recruitment services.


聯   系   人:  Jonathan Chow 聯繫電話:  [ 請點擊網上投遞履歷,合則約見 ]
聯繫人職位:  Director 聯繫郵件:  [ 請點擊網上投遞履歷,合則約見 ]
公司地址: [ 請點擊網上投遞履歷,合則約見 ]

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