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Welcome SIGNUM Living Store

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號生活藝廊 集創意、設計和舒適於一身的家品生活概念店。

Signum一詞是拉丁語,意為設計、符號、標誌。「號生活藝廊」,位於澳門世遺建築媽閣廟旁一棟綠色舊建築內。這裡搜羅了各式國外家居生活精品和創意禮品,更匯集了世界頂級設計師家居設計系列作品,希望透過設計師的家品設計向顧客表達"設計融于生活"的理念.除此之外, 「號生活藝廊」亦為本地藝術家提供展示作品的場地,讓更多本地居民及來自世界各地的遊客對澳門藝術創作有更深的認知。

SIGNUM Living Store embodies creativity, design and comfortability.

Signum is a Latin word for Design, Signal, Sign. It is a place where you feel boosted to find what you look for consciously or even subconsciously for any opportunity which might knock on your door. SIGNUM Living Store aims to furnish you with ideas of home decoration or gifts for yourself and those around you. It doesn’t ask you to take its products with you, it drives you to want them willingly knowing they are different and unique from the rest. SIGNUM Living Store is a home decoration and furniture store offering a series of creative and quirky accessories for you and those around you. Apart from selecting and showing a number of cool series of home décor, this unusual place for its uniqueness also stands as a platform for local artists to expose their works. Due to its location nearby one of the designated sites of the Historic Centre of Macau enlisted on UNESCO World Heritage List, A-Ma Temple, tourists and local citizens can quickly spot the keen shop from afar, pushing them to check out the products as well as some of the local artists’ works. SIGNUM Living Store is not only a corner where you are inspired to enrich your home or to even pamper those around you with unforgettable gifts, but also a bridge between you and the hard work of those who would like to show their stories to people using their own method of creativity and artistic perception.

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