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MathConcept Education Limited

MathConcept was first founded in Olympian City of Hong Kong in May 2010. We currently have 17 learning centers located at different districts in Hong Kong and Macau, with more than 10,000 students in the region. Till now, MathConcept has developed a sophisticated base of teaching material, with more than 100,000 pages of courseware and 104 publications, satisfying the needs of both local and international school students in Hong Kong covering curriculums from kindergarten to various high school levels.

All MathConcept tutors are professionally trained to implement the learning plan and guide all students to their way of mastering each concept. We ensure that our tutors are familiar with the MathConcept Approach and have the ability to deliver complex math concepts in a language that kids will understand.

For further details, please visit MathConcept’s website:


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