English 香港站

歡迎來到 Learn with Me, Macau


Our Pre Kindergarten and Primary after school program is a provider in professional leadership. We are looking for organised, administrators to supervise our creative school programs. Our senior staff maintains effective programs to strengthen and monitor student discipline, attendance, and individual progress. We strive to work cooperatively with peers in sharing ideas, techniques, and procedures for improvement of the learning environment. Our peers react to change productively and handle other tasks as assigned with training and background provided by a leading United Kingdom Curriculum planner and customised detailed manuals.

Learn with Me, Macau is proud to secure and sustain effective teaching and learning throughout Macau working closely with the DSEJ authority and the IAS Social welfare bureau of Macau to monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of child achievement. We provide benchmarks and setting targets for improvement. Therefore always giving the teacher/ administrator and over all experience in private educational schooling. Incorporating continuous Professional Development.


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