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歡迎來到 Angel Cosmetics International Limited




The first Angel Cosmetics Retail Shop was established in 1979. It’s the large scale comprehensive beauty chain group. With continuous effort and development, Angel group now has many branch stores and various business, including Beauty & Slimming Spa Center, cosmetics retail and cosmetics wholesales. With 25 branch stores in HK, Macau & China.

業務範圍 -零售


The first retail shop was established in 1981. It sells a thousand of brands worldwide with reasonable price. The products include skincare products, make up products, hair products, slimming products, beauty accessories, baby products and men’s products. Different products to take care different ages people’s needs on beauty and health.

業務範圍 -美容

首間美容店成立於1979年,天使美容為愛美的女士們化成最美的一面,店內的設備比規模較小的美容中心更先進及齊全,提供美容、彩光、纖體、水療及舒閒等不同類型的服務,確實體現每位愛美人士的需要。 天使美容設備齊全,環境舒適,美容師更具備專業資格,為顧客解決美容問題。天使無微不致及顧客至上的服務精神,可為顧客於短期內達致最佳的美容效果

First beauty store was established in 1979, we love to help the ladies to present the most beautiful way to others. We provide various kind of services such as facial, IPL, slimming, spa, massage, etc. Angel Beauty are fully equipped with comfortable environment. Beauticians are in professionally qualified in order to provide excellent services to customers.

Web : http://www.angel.com.hk

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/AngelGroupHK


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