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歡迎來到 SPECTRA Technologies


The Greater China Leader
SPECTRA Technologies, founded in 1993, is the Greater China Leader in design and development of electronic transaction solutions. Our state-of-the-art technologies include the world's first integrated cordless transaction solution, self-service electronic transaction solution, security magnetic card reader and detachable IC card and SAM card module. With the combination of innovation and pragmatism, SPECTRA Technologies' pioneering hardware and software won top honours at various award ceremonies.

Our Dedication and Commitment
With the rapid spread of smart cards, new concepts and applications emerge. We at SPECTRA Technologies take pride in our broad vision. Our people have the expertise and creativity necessary to anticipate market needs, and we strive to develop technologies with the future in mind.

We continue to place special emphasis on innovative and pragmatic solution development not just to keep you abreast with time, but also to ensure that your investment is protected. Using our hardware, software, comprehensive ranges of professional and customer services, you can count on smooth and effective operation with secured and advanced solutions.


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