English 香港站

      作者:3edu教育網     來源: 3edu教育網     發佈時間:6/10/2009 6:57:24 PM     流覽次數:10424

     I have some laundry. 

     I’d like these clothes cleaned (pressed). 

     Please put your laundry in the paper bag and write down the contents of the laundry on it. 

     Will it be ready by tomorrow (the day after tomorrow)? 

     I need them tonight (tomorrow). 

     I'd like to have my laundry by 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. 

     This is not mine. 

     There’s one piece missing. 

     From what time do you accept laundry tomorrow morning? 

     From 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

     Is there a beauty salon (barber shop) in this hotel? 

     I'd like to make an appointment for 5 pm today. 

     How would you like your hair? 

     Haircut and shampoo (shave) , please. 

     Shampoo and set, please. 

     Please don’t cut it too short. 

     A little more off the back (sides/top). 

     I don’t need hair oil.
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