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歡迎來到 US Mart Chain Supermarket Co., Ltd.(美適連鎖超級市場有限公司)


US MART美國食品超級市場店鋪佔地12,000平方呎,主要以進口歐美食品為主,並採取高檔食品零售市場的經營模式,打做出全澳門最高級的國際化超級市場。

US MART FOOD HALL have12,000 square feet, import variety food from Europe and America. Take high-end food retail market business model, become the premium international supermarkets in Macau.


CITY MALL SHOPPING CENTER LTD.(城市廣場購物中心有限公司)座落於澳門新口岸友誼大馬路及孫逸仙大馬路漁人碼頭會議展覽購物中心內, 澳門漁人碼頭鄰近港澳客運碼頭,地點便利,當中會議展覽購物中心是一個集展覽、娛樂、購物、美食觀光於一身的商場。

CITY MALL SHOPPING CENTER LTD. located in Macau Avenida da Amizade e Avenida Dr. Sun Yat-sen, Fisherman's Wharf Convention and Exhibition Shopping Center, adjacent to the Macau Ferry Terminal. Venue facilities, convention and exhibition, entertainment , shopping, food and tourism experience in the same shopping mall.

CITY MALL SHOPPING CENTER LTD. (城市廣場購物中心有限公司), 店舖面積共達27,000多平方呎。以經營多種不同類型的零售店鋪為主, city mall 城市廣場內有大型超級市場 、美國環保家居用品、品味男士服裝、高級女士服裝、護膚品、化妝品、潮流眼鏡店、禮品、珠寶手飾、高級手袋、名牌運動服裝、參茸海味、名牌鞋舖、專業紅酒、名牌雪茄店、新潮男女便服、美容按摩、餐廳酒吧、快餐飲食等,務求滿足旅客的不同需要。

CITY MALL SHOPPING CENTER LTD. , shop area of a total of more than 27,000 square feet. To operate different types of retail outlets in the main, city mall city plaza has a large supermarket, Seventh GENERATION - American environmental household items, men's wear, women's wear, skin care, makeup, optical shops, gifts, jewelry, handbags, sports apparel, dried seafood, famous brand shoe store, professional wine, cigar stores, trendy casual wear, beauty massage, restaurants, bars, fast food restaurants, in order to meet the different needs of tourists.


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